
Cra. 7 No. 17-01 Oficina 931



My Early Childhood and My Family Foundation - FUNDAPRIM

The first five years of life are crucial for brain development, determining functioning in cognitive, emotional and social areas. Nutrition, care, and early stimulation are essential to promoting healthy development in early childhood.

About Us

My Early Childhood and My Family Foundation - Fundaprim

We are a Foundation, authorized and supervised by the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare, according to resolution No. 2114 of August 29, 2022. It is made up of a group of professionals and voluntary donors with the interest of working for Early Childhood in a vulnerable state.

Years working
for our children
0 +

Our Value

Better Future through Play

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Nibh dapibus neque consectetur pulvinar conubia phasellus nascetur libero arcu. Dis volutpat orci ante mi class. Convallis urna sed scelerisque sem hendrerit nunc euismod.

Nibh dapibus neque consectetur pulvinar conubia phasellus nascetur libero arcu. Dis volutpat orci ante mi class. Convallis urna sed scelerisque sem hendrerit nunc euismod.

Support us

Discover Fundaprim's projects:
Join with your Donation and Be Part of the Change

Center for Integral Development for Early Childhood.

Calms the hunger of children from 0 to 5 years old in a vulnerable condition

Support families in generating resources to improve their quality of life.

🌟Make a Difference! Offering a better future for children in early childhood. 👶

Transform lives with your generosity! Help build a bright future for vulnerable children in Colombia.

Valores que nos mueven

Aprendizaje, diversión y alegría

En la Fundación Fundaprim, nuestros valores son la brújula que guía nuestro propósito. Comprometidos con la empatía, nutrimos el desarrollo infantil con amor incondicional. La equidad es nuestra bandera, construyendo puentes hacia un futuro igualitario. La transparencia es nuestro compromiso, asegurando que cada donación sea una inversión tangible en el bienestar y el crecimiento de la primera infancia.

Nutrición y desarrollo

Crecemos juntos, nutriendo cuerpos y mentes para un futuro brillante
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Apoyo a las familias

Familias fuertes, costuras sólidas: juntos creamos un tejido de apoyo y esperanza
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Ambiente enriquecedor

Nuestro espacio es más que cuatro paredes: es un hogar para crecer, aprender y prosperar
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Ayudamos brindando oportunidades

A apoyar a la familia, estamos construyendo cimientos sólidos para el niño

El entorno familiar juega un papel fundamental en el desarrollo integral de los niños y niñas

En nuestra visión, apoyar a la familia es cultivar un entorno afectivo y estable donde cada niño pueda florecer, construyendo las raíces sólidas que necesitan para un crecimiento saludable y un futuro lleno de posibilidades. Es por ello que ofrecemos talleres de confección que no solo brindan habilidades prácticas, sino que también abren puertas a nuevas oportunidades económicas.

¿Por qué deberías aoyarnos?

Transformamos sonrisas en oportunidades para el futuro

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Espacios enriquecedores

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Crecimiento en conjunto

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Actividades de aprendizaje

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Parent Say About Hompimpa

Our Allies
Donating partners

Adriana Palma Beltran
Henry Contreras Jaramillo

God is among us. We contribute a grain of sand to such a noble cause.
Adriana : Children’s clothing manufacturer
Henry : Environmental Advisor

Martha Díaz Crespo

My commitment and love for children motivate me to donate.
FUNDAPRIM, fulfills the objective of helping children in early childhood, an essential part of the life of the human being, for this reason I make my donation to this Foundation.

Amparo Palma Beltrán

I thank God for FUNDAPRIM and because it has allowed me to support the Christmas activities and the delivery of milk and bread kits for vulnerable children in early childhood, sharing love and happy moments.

Carolina Díaz Palma

Supporting FUNDAPRIM has been an enriching experience for me, seeing smiles and happy hearts to receive milk, bread, love, makes this beautiful cause connect with more hearts. I invite everyone to donate, because we are all more.

Mariela Palma Beltrán

I contribute to this noble cause from love and from the faith that GOD gives us all the same opportunities and this is a cause that allows us to reach some of them to cover not only their material needs, but also their emotional needs. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!

Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our Frequently Asked Questions below to get clear answers and learn more about how together we can build a strong future for children.

Thank you for your interest in supporting us! Donating is easy and wonderful, and makes a big difference in the lives of vulnerable early childhood children and their families. Visit our donation page for safe and convenient options, or contact us for donations of food, clothing and other resources. Your generosity contributes directly to the well-being of vulnerable early childhood and families - we appreciate your support in building a better future for them!

The volunteer policy for the Fundaprim Foundation is of utmost importance, as it focuses on the well-being of children in their early childhood and on always projecting a better future for both the children and the foundation.
We are looking for volunteers with previous experience in child care, child development education or a genuine interest in working with young children. People with related careers in administration, social work and advertising are also welcome.

Yes, the foundation is working with organizations and foundations operating in each of the localities.

We are committed to projects that address the specific needs of early childhood and families in vulnerable situations. At this moment the Foundation is working on the development of 2 specific projects:

1. Comprehensive Development Center for Early Childhood: This project is being developed for the achievement of the house, with the objective of initiating the project in the locality of Bosa.
2. Soothe the Hunger of Children from 0 to 5 years old: Milk and bread kits are being delivered to children in vulnerable situations. These kits are being delivered in the localities of Bosa, Suba and Downtown Bogota.

Illuminating roads and nurturing hopes

Let's get in touch

Let's work together for a brighter future

Our working hours : Monday to Friday (8:30 am-5:00 pm)

Administrative headquarters address : Cra. 7 No. 17-01 Of. 931

Contact numbers : 3142156045 / 601-4327777

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