
Cra. 7 No. 17-01 Oficina 931



Nutritious food

Our objective is to soothe the hunger of children in early childhood from 0 to 5 years old in a vulnerable state, pregnant and lactating mothers through the delivery of milk and bread kit so that it can be taken immediately.

Delivered kits
0 +
Milk bags
0 +
Bread units

Commitment to development

Children represent the future, so it is essential to nurture their development.

We wish to witness a significant improvement in the nutritional status of children from 0 to 5 years old, for this, we implement effective measures, such as the delivery of the milk and bread kit, which contains:

✦ 2 bags of high quality milk.
✦ 5 roscones
✦ 3 cardboard cups
✦ 3 napkins

The purpose of the kit is to enable girls and boys to drink milk immediately.


To alleviate the hunger of children in early childhood from 0 to 5 years old in vulnerable conditions, pregnant and lactating mothers through the delivery of milk and bread kits so that they can be taken immediately.


Mitigate hunger and promote healthy development, providing tangible support to the neediest families through the delivery of milk and bread kits, with the firm commitment to ensure a more prosperous and equitable future for generations to come.


We seek a future without hunger in early childhood, pregnant and lactating mothers, promoting the well-being of families and laying the foundation for sustainable human development. We strive to promote equity and food justice, enabling each child to reach his or her full potential from the beginning of life.

Promoting health and caring for the planet

Nutrition and Sustainability: Biodegradable Milk, Bread and Packaging.

Early Childhood Children.

Milk is essential in the infant diet for its richness in calcium, vitamin D, proteins, vitamins and minerals. It contributes to bone and muscle development and hydration. For children with allergies, there are alternatives such as lactose-free or fortified vegetable milks. The recommended amount should be adjusted to individual needs, consulting a health professional for personalized advice.

Bread and carbohydrate-rich foods

Bread and carbohydrate foods are essential for children's energy, providing glucose for brain and physical activity. They can include fiber and nutrients such as B vitamins, iron and magnesium. In a balanced diet, it is vital to offer nutritious choices, control portions and ensure variety to meet growth and development needs.

FUNDAPRIM works for the environment

We distribute our kits in eco-friendly cornstarch bags, paper and cardboard cups. Corn bags are biodegradable and compostable, composting in 180 days or 45 days in landfills. Coming from renewable sources, these bags contribute to the natural cycle. ABG Bags donates these bags to the FUNDAPRIM Foundation in its commitment to sustainability.

What actions can you take to support the realization of this project?

Building a better future for those who need it most

Join our cause to fight hunger in Early Childhood. Your donation will provide nutritious milk and bread kits, feeding bodies and dreams. Be part of the change and make a child smile with a comforting meal.

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