
Cra. 7 No. 17-01 Oficina 931




Turn your desire to help into action

As a volunteer you can be an inspiration for a child

Volunteering at children’s foundations not only transforms their lives, but yours as well.

Volunteering at La Fundación FUNDAPRIM is crucial to provide direct assistance to vulnerable children and their families, helping to provide food and support income programs, which makes a significant difference in strengthening the social fabric and generating a lasting positive impact on the community.

Ways you can help

Join us in making an impactful difference: discover the many ways you can help.

Involve working in the delivery of milk and bread kits, workshops, talks with families and support in the dissemination of campaigns that are programmed for Fundaprim.

Participate in consulting for construction projects, infrastructure development, job training programs, etc.

Perform administrative tasks, graphic design, translation, or online consulting for non-profit organizations.

Interested in volunteering?

With your help you can make a real difference in the lives of children and families in our community!

Join Fundaprim as a volunteer to support early childhood development, alleviate the hunger of vulnerable children and support families toward a more equitable future. Your commitment will transform lives and strengthen our community.

With your help we can improve the lives of more children.
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